Angela Wang's Journal

Mar 2007
6:12 PM EDT

This weekend has been a happy one. On Saturday, after breakfast, my husband insisted on taking our son to see the wildanimals in “the red hill zoo”. But I hesitated to go there, for I was afraid of raining as the forecasting says on line. At last, Ifellow them to the zoo with thedrinkings and lunch box in the backbag. We took subway to the zoo, ittook about 20 min to go there.
Our travel was slow and free when we were in the zoo. In the whole walk, though there are some slopes, we all didn’t feel tired. Absolutely our son was the happiest one in the entire travel. When we passed Children Playing Ground, he stopped to watchothersplaying. Since he is very little, we couldn’t let him play by himself. So there westayed longer time than that of in other places. It isvery luckythat it was cloudy that daywithout raining. So I feel much appreciated with the heaven, which lets us have another opportunity tocome to nature and open my son’ vision about abstract nature.

Angela Wang's Profile

  • Username: Angela Wang
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: China
    ANGELA WANG's Interests:

    About Me: I am a Chinese girl studying in a college majoring environmental science for my master degree. I am married, and have a very good husband.

    Interests: Reading, traveling although I am poor and could not afford it.

    Favorite Music: folk songs

    Favorite Movies: Forest Gum

    Favorite Television: nature program

    Favorite Books: red dream